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NEW PROGRAM, "The Secret Life of Bicycles" Set for March PAA Members’ Meeting Tuesday, March 29, at Sam Johnson Center

There has been a change of plans for our program at the March members' meeting.

Our program will feature one of our own members who has a highly interesting subject to present that will greatly appeal to your creative sensibilities.

Robertus van der Wege is a noted creator of imaginative 3-dimensional art. The story of his artistic developmental journey is amazing. So amazing that he has been featured in a TedX video, entitled "The Secret Life of Bicycles." TedX described it this way: "This talk reveals how a learning difference led to extraordinary creativity. Is there more we can learn about how individuals with dyslexia learn?" Robertus will show the TedX video and address the group with additional "show and tell" material. This is a program you don't want to miss!

Our meeting will also be the occasion for selecting a nominating committee assigned the task of providing a slate of candidates for officers for the next fiscal year beginning in June. So, think about volunteering for this committee and/or think of someone you would like to nominate.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 (New Time) on Tuesday, March 29, at the Sam Johnson Center, located at 401 W. 16th Street Plano, TX 75075. Link to Map

March 26

PAA Members’ Meeting

April 16

Sunflowers for Ukraine